M-ANT Training Complete.

Certified M-ANT Training Complete.
(Medical-Advanced Nail Technician)
April 2020

For your health and safety, all tools are heat sterilized in an autoclave.
Lydian Flash is featured on WeSterilize.com >>
Call 512-762-7728 or Request Your Nail Appointment Online
CMP - Certified Master Pedicurist
By North American School Of Podology
M-ANT (Medical-Advanced Nail Technician)
LCN Barefoot Specialist
Toe Nail Restoration
LCN Luxury Urea Pedicurist
Certified M-ANT Training Complete.
(Medical-Advanced Nail Technician)
April 2020
June 2020
Lydian took a Re-Certification CND Shellac Class taught by CND Educator Holly Schippers AKA FingerNail Fixer.
It was an Excellent Class.
In May 2020 Lydian Flash took another course to update her Certified Safe Salon Rating. The new version of the course included information about the latest PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) and Infection Control.
She also attended a course Safety Training For the Beauty Industry. New Practices for New World
Lydian attended training by the NORTH AMERICAN SCHOOL OF PODOLOGY (NASP).
Passing her Final Exam with 98%.
She is now a Cerified Master Pedicurist. (CMP)
The North American School of Podology (NASP) was founded in 2000 in North America to help distinguish the professional who has advanced training and knowledge in pedicures from the standard salon technician.
After more than 20 years of instruction, NASP has become the leading authority in foot care related education.
Our Mission
Barefoot Toe Nail Restoration System
*Lydian Flash Master Nail Technician Is Certified with the Barefoot Restoration System by LCN.
#ToeNailReconstruction #RestoreDamagedNail
#SafeSalonService #NailTechAustinTx #BarefootToeNailRestoration
Barefoot Restoration System by LCN. Barefoot is a means to restore a damaged nail
and/or can be used for Beautification purposes.
Tested and tried over 20 years
Colloidal Silver; Think of colloidal silver as a suspension of tiny silver particles evenly dispersed in water. Colloidal silver is used for many reasons, however in skincare products, it has an anti-bacterial and anti-viral function that acts as a natural preservative and helps to kill bacteria.
Clear plus other customizable colors.
Safe for contact with skin.
LCN foot care gels are compatible with all LCN gels.
Restoration & Beautification.
Contains Microcrystalline Silver and Piroctone Olamine.
Certification classes available.
*Lydian Flash Master Nail Technician Is Certified with the Barefoot Restoration System by LCN.
Lydian has attened two different Barefoot Certification Training Classes.
Available in the USA and In Austin Texas
@ Lydian Flash Master Nail Technician