Manicures, Pedicures, IBX, Shellac, and Nail Restoration


CMP - Certified Master Pedicurist
By North American School Of Podology

M-ANT (Medical-Advanced Nail Technician)

CND Shellac Pro

IBX Certified Master Pro

LCN Barefoot Specialist
Toe Nail Restoration 

LCN Luxury Urea Pedicurist

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« Highest Quality, Most Knowledgeable, Safest, Cleanest, and Kindest Nail Techs Available, Then You Should Go To Lydian. | Main | Went to Lydian for IBX Treatments after damage (at another salon) »

Best Nail Care I Have Ever Had!

My nail tech for 30 years went nuts and ditched me yesterday. I spent hours on the internet trying to find what I wanted ( small salon, natural nails only etc) I finally called Lydian and was lucky she had a cancellation for a mani-pedi. It was the best nail care I have ever had! I'm a retired flight attendant and have had my nails done all over the world! Lydian is an expert on everything nails! In addition she's such an enjoyable person to be around! Also her foot massage is amazing!

Nancy G. via Yelp - 5 Stars