Highest Quality, Most Knowledgeable, Safest, Cleanest, and Kindest Nail Techs Available, Then You Should Go To Lydian.
She is a one-person operation in a small studio and you get her 100% attention and a very well controlled and maintained environment. You should not go if you are looking for a quiet beautiful spa atmosphere experience. She warns you herself, she is an educator (and a storyteller) and she talks the entire time. (No exaggeration). And the room is all business no frills. But I came to her for a toenail reconstruction not a spa experience so it was perfect for me. She really takes the time to educate you on everything she's doing and answers any questions you may have at length. You walk away feeling like you have a window into the other side of the veil of Nail Salon professional presentation from an expert's point of view.
As for her obviously high caliber skills, she did meticulous work on me, explaining every step so that I can take proper care of my new toe nails. She built the product up in thin careful painted on layers. The end result is fantastic! I love it! She made me feel comfortable the whole time. Her handling and manner is neither forceful nor timid. She takes her sweet time -which is awesome unless you have to be somewhere- and she gets it right. And she's such a sweetheart. She even gave me a bonus nail polish at the end because she "wanted me to look down at my toes and smile".
If you are curious about toenail reconstruction and the barefoot procedure, please call or write her and ask her questions. I did my thorough research before going to her. Only she and one other woman either of us knew of do this work in the Austin area. And the two of them are friends.
I didn't even know that as a significant side benefit of the continued treatment , my toenail could start to grow normal on its own! She showed me before and after of a clients that had been with her for years and gave me a realistic chance at hope for nail Rehab.
I've been wearing my new nails few a few days and went to my first yoga class in years where I didn't feel embarrassed to be barefoot. I'm so happy! Thank you Lydian.
Note From Lydian
This service was Just for the Reconstructions.
She will be back for her check up in 4-5 weeks and will get a pampering pedicure then.
- Neva L. via Yelp.com 3/19/2019 - 5 Stars
***update***Jun 2019
I just had my follow up appointment with Lydian and this time we did a spa pedicure and I have to say that it's very different when she sets out to relax you and spoil you (rather than the educational experience). She is really great at the foot massage! Just as highly capable and competent as she is with everything else. And she turns the lights down and has you in peaceful dim quiet in a massage chair while you soak. This time I was the one chatting her up while she was painting with life updates and such because she's just lovely to chat with. Thank you Lydian